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A 48.7% Tax Increase? Where’s the Fire?
Letters Forum: Off Topic! – FEBRUARY 2023 –
A Tale of Three Counties: JeffCo Has Most Vax Uptake, Highest Covid Case Rate in State
Open House on Open Spaces – What’s Missing?
Letters Forum: Off Topic! – JANUARY 2023 –
Streatery Update at The Old Whiskey Mill
A 48.7% Tax Increase? Where’s the Fire?
Letters Forum: Off Topic! – FEBRUARY 2023 –
A Tale of Three Counties: JeffCo Has Most Vax Uptake, Highest Covid Case Rate in State
Open House on Open Spaces – What’s Missing?
Letters Forum: Off Topic! – JANUARY 2023 –
Streatery Update at The Old Whiskey Mill
Streatery Roundup: The End (For Now) of a Failed Agenda — Updated with Tent Removal Photos —
Letters Forum: Off Topic! – Mid-December 2022 –
Masks Again? Seriously?!?
Local Health Authorities Ignore Physician’s Concerns About Brain and Heart Damage Linked to COVID Vaccines
Celebrate Perversity! Mayor’s Law Partner Condones Assault, Disorderly Conduct
Streatery for the Holidays: Alchemical Magic!
Introducing Our New Letters Forum: Off Topic!
PUD “Slowly Moving” from Jab Mandates?Not So Fast!
Port Townsend’s Fentanyl Forest: In Photos
Berry’s VAERS Conspiracy Theory:Bloody Lies with a Hateful Twist — Part Four —
Bats in the Berry Belfry: Vax Efficacy Disinformation — Part Three —
Vax Trial Fraud Disinfo: Another Berry Trick-or-Treat — Part Two —
Disinformation Trick-or-Treats: Be Afraid, Be Berry Afraid! — Part One —
Will Washington State Mandate Covid Shots for School Kids?
Where’s the Emergency?Only in Jefferson County
Should OlyCap Chairman Greg Brotherton Be Awarding Millions in Taxpayer Funds to OlyCap?
“This Is Not Over” – Sorting Truth from Deception in YMCA Blame Game
Will a Smart Meter Harm Your Health?
$1.5 Million Judgment Against Art Frank for MisconductWeighs on Campaign, Prosecutor [Updated with comment from Sheriff Nole]
Both Sides Now: Who Bears Responsibility for YMCA Protest Fallout?
Jeffco Anti-Racist Literacy Training Pushes Vaccines, Sidesteps Open Bidding Rules, Wastes $14,999
Olympic Pride Doesn’t Want You To See What They’re Promoting to Children
Smart Meters Coming to a Neighborhood Near You!
Clementine Adams Interview Reveals Shortcomings in Local YMCA Child Protection Rules
The Dark Underbelly of the Trans Movement: What is Olympic Pride Promoting? — UPDATED —
YMCA Accused of Expelling Family for Objecting to Child Porn and Sexual Misconduct Against Women and Girls
City Officials Lead Hate Campaign Against Women
Came to Listen, Sickened by Mob Violence and Hypocrisy
Reporting from the Frontlines of the Woke Battlefield
Women Seeking Civil Rights Stand Up to Mob Hatred and Intimidation in Port Townsend
Mayor Deflects Backlash Over Men in Women’s Showers at YMCA, Virtue Signals About Trans Rights Instead
Mountain View Pool No Longer Safefor Many Women and Girls
Council Watch August 1 – Road Repair vs Calming
Censored: Men’s Eyes in Women’s Shower Room
Mountain View Pool Punishes Woman For Her Gender Expression and Identity – Part One –
Readers Roundtable with Candidates: BRIAN PRUIETT for State House
First Responders Show “Unprecedented” Support for Sheriff Nole’s Re-election; Frank Responds
Readers Roundtable with Candidates: MATTHEW RAINWATER for State Representative
Readers Roundtable with Candidates: SUE FORDE for State Representative
Readers Roundtable with Candidates:MARCIA KELBON for Jefferson County Commissioner
Jefferson Healthcare’s Pie in the Sky?
Council Watch July 5 – “I Can’t Drive 25”
Tragic Toll of Suicides and Fatal Overdoses in Jefferson County
Jeffco High Schoolers Depressed, Hopeless, Suicidal: 2021 Healthy Youth Survey Results Released
FDA Monopoly to Local Doctor: Go Directly to Jail, Do Not Collect $140
Update: Does Jefferson Healthcare’s MyChart Send Patient Data to Facebook?
Public Health Sacrificing Kids for the Greater “Good”
Council Watch – June 6, 2022
Diving Deep into County Health Claims
Things That Took Less Than Five Years to Build
Uptown Streateries: A Reality Check
Poplars Stakeholder Committee:Hand-picked, with a Documented Bias
Unhappy Birthday: Cherry Street Project Turns Five Years Old
Council Backs Off From Downtown Streateries, Contrary to Leader Misreporting
Who is City Council Serving in Their Push for Streateries?
Out and About in the Time of Lockdowns
Will Washington State Board of Health Listen to the People or the Politicians?
Mayor Faber (Almost) Opens Up on the Cherry Street Project Failure
Public Streets and Public Process Subverted
Segregated Port Townsend
Strangulation by Streateries?
Masks: The Great Face-Covering Psyop
Public Discourse and the Totalitarians Next Door
PT Police Struggling Below Half Strength and Costing “A Lot More”
Website Under Reconstruction
Faber’s Folly/Howard’s Hovel: Cherry St. Project Worse Than It Looks
Parents Appeal to PT Schools:Are Students Facing Mask Segregation?
Slur Trek 2: The Wrath of Mann
County Commissioners Corrupt KPTZ, Advance Left-Wing Fascism
PUD Mandates Spark Higher Costs Amid Integrity Crisis
The Arrest of Rachelle Merle: Case Dismissed
Changing the Narrative: Homeschooling 
The Sound of Silence at the Board of Health
“Masks Are Never Completely Going Away”
Truck Wars 2: The Empire Strikes Back
Time to Join the Worldwide Freedom Convoy
Can The Port Townsend School Board Protect Our Children?
Have You Had the Omicold?
Safest Counties Now Are Those With Least Restrictions
“Incredibly Expensive” Affordable Housing Project Follows Cherry Street Debacle
Cherry Street Project Vandalized
TOP TEN 2021 Spin Doctor Disinformation Statements
Money Talks, Lombardy Poplars Fall
PUD Crews Lost by Vax Mandate — Power Outages are a Looming Concern —
Two More Deaths from Heart Failure Following Pfizer Vax
Another Fairgrounds Tragedy
Local Challenge to Proof-of-Vaccine Mandate Supported by Federal Rulings
Postcard from Commissioner Dean: Misinformed or Misinformer?
Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax– Health Department Lies and Disinformation –Part Two
Christmas for Children Program Reaching More Kids Than Ever
New Majority on City Council Should Kill the Cherry Street Project
Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax– PT woman, 27, now has heart of an 80-year-old – Part One
IN YOUR OWN WORDS: Covid Cancel Culture
County Commissioners To Make Housing Even More Unaffordable
Suffer the Little Children
Travels Outside Washington State Should Shake Faith in Mandates
Walkouts Worldwide Wake Up PT
The Truth That Must Not Be Spoken
County Kills Housing in Order to Save It
County Health Officials Manipulate Data to Stigmatize Unvaxxed
Will local school boards say “NO” to draconian mandates?
New Laws Sweep Away Barriers to Churches Helping the Homeless
Creating a State of Emergency Within a State of Emergency
Will Jefferson PUD Mandate Covid Shots, Lose Employees, Jeopardize Our Utility?
Health Enforcers Catch Misinformation Fever
Vax Mandate Protests – Just Exactly Why the Insults?
The Leader Promotes Hate Speech, Censors Thoughtful Community Voices
Turning the page
Long Live the Free Press! A New Team Steps Up
Adios and Thanks
Fairgrounds “Wild West” Spurs Neighbors To Demand Action
Cherry Street Project Costs Soar In Bayside Housing Proposal
Eviction Moratorium and New Regulations Reducing the Supply of Rental Properties
New Wrinkle in Jefferson County’s “Fourth” COVID Death
Port Townsend and the Food Co-op Use Police to Suppress Dissent
The Politics of Alarmism
The Food Co-op on Trial
Victory: My Lawsuit Against Jefferson County
Happy Fourth Birthday, Cherry Street Project!
The Arrest of Rachelle MerleThe Food Co-op On Trial
Jefferson County’s “Third” Covid Death
Our Fifth Column in the Fight Against Homelessness: Churches
Petty Tyrants Coming To A Location Near You
Signs of Life: Buskers on the Block
Calls to PT Police Up 38%
Death by Injection?Why half of America—including healthcare professionals—are refusing the experimental Covid-19 shotsPart Two
Death by Injection? Why half of America—including healthcare professionals—are refusing experimental Covid-19 shots Part One
Weekly Rallies for Freedom Come to Port Townsend
Mad Max of Wall Street, Illegal Slots and Bayside Housing’s Gary Keister
Bayside Housing: The Whistleblower Complaint to the Attorney General
Cherry Street Handover: Red Flags About Bayside Housing
My First Amendment Lawsuit Against Jefferson County: Update
Double-Masking, “Pandemic Denialism,” and Belief in the Ignorance of Experts
Of Covid Testing, “Misinformation” and Censorship
The Importance Of Knowing The Ct Value At Which SARS-CoV-2 PCR Tests Are Positive
Stonewalling and Deflection on Critical COVID Test Data: We Have the Right to Answers
Stephen Schumacher & Dr. Thomas Locke: Point, Counterpoint on COVID Testing, False Positives and Dissent
Masks Don’t Stop Viruses and Could Harm You: The Latest Research
Jefferson County’s Noncompliance with Planning Laws is Causing Our Affordable Housing Crisis
Is Jefferson County Health Department Overstating COVID Case Numbers?
Jefferson County Still May Have No Deaths From COVID
Adios, Hasta Las Vista for Now…Again
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Foundation Steps Up to Help
Evergreen Fitness is Open for Business
Zoning Changes Threaten Hadlock Sewer Project
Are Your Children Getting The Education You Paid For?
COVID News: Merry Anti-Madness Music, and Not So Merry Vaccine News
The Power of Christmas
Fairgrounds Police Log
Fort Worden PDA Out of Money, Must Privatize to Survive
A Grim Existence at the Fairgrounds
Trickle Up Poverty in Jefferson County
The Violence That Cost Port Townsend A Man Who Saves Lives
Squatters Camp Grows at Fairgrounds: Photo Essay
Good News on the COVID Front–If You Want to Hear It
The Four Keys to Unlocking Affordable Housing
COVID Hospitalizations Reach Record; Death Rate Nears Zero [Updated]
My Sincerest Condolences on the Death of Your Turkey
Why I’m Suing Jefferson County
Support Our Local Gyms
Fairgrounds Neighbor’s Plea to County Commissioners about Dangers from the Homeless Encampment
Criminal Investigators Called into Fort Worden PDA Mess
Democrats Urge Inslee to Reopen Restaurants; Local Delegation Silent
Fort Worden’s Promised Financial Oversight Never Happened
Jefferson County’s Minimum Lot Size Stands in the Way of Affordable Housing
Confirmed: Jefferson County Has More Registered Than Eligible Voters
Fort Worden Glamping A Soggy Mess
There Will Be No Healing
Unmasking False Climate Alarmism
The Cost of Monopolized Politics
Thanksgiving at Tri-Area Center Will Be Drive-Up
Jefferson County Has More Registered Than Eligible Voters: Study [Updated][Updated]
Joe D’Amico’s $100 Million Lawsuit Against Jefferson County and David Stanko
Fort Worden PDA Finances Plagued With Problems From Beginning
Fort Worden Hit By Cherry Street Project Disease
America on Course for Greater Conflict
Election Fraud: A Vivid Memory from South Philadelphia
Jefferson County’s New Activists
Aiding and Abetting Biden Crimes
Transient/Homeless Village Grows at Fairgrounds
Racist, Heal Thyself
An Undeniable, Unavoidable Stark Choice Faces Voters
To Catch a Thief–$100 Reward
Local Democrats Help Explain Iran’s Support for Biden
Accomplished Developer Will Donate Time and Services for Cherry Street Project
Cherry Street Project Handover “Not a Done Deal”
Board of Health Ignores County’s Suicide Crisis
COVID News Looks Good, But Business Destruction Could Pose Long Term Obstacle to Complete Recovery
Sue Forde on the Issues
Don’t Nuke Library Books, Thank You!
Who is John Mauro, Port Townsend’s City Manager?
Chapman Funded Almost Completely by Lobbyists, PACs From Outside District
Latest Cherry Street Giveaway Hits Taxpayers Harder
PTHS Principal Tells City Council to Keep Police in Her School
Black Lives Matter Sought to Humiliate Sheriff, Police Chief
CDC Releases COVID Survival Rates and It’s Very Good News
Jay Inslee Makes Death Harder
Good News On the Pandemic Front
Port Townsend’s Hatred and Intolerance Problem
Growing Up in a Rainbow Neighborhood Taught Me The Antidote to Systemic Racism
Lines Form in Battle for Future of Fairgrounds
Life and the Future in Port Townsend for a Family with a “Non-Essential Business”–Part II
Massive Back the Blue Rally in Port Townsend
Port Townsend Antifa, Easy as 1-2-3
Black Lives Matter Leaders Generated Police Calls for Help, Investigation and Arrests
A Tale of Three Cities: Poulsbo, Sequim and Port Townsend
Black Lives Matter Organizer Harassed Hispanic Man Because His Skin Color Wasn’t Dark Enough
Officer Chauvin, I Am So Sorry For Believing That You Murdered George Floyd
Bumping Along Port Townsend’s Busted Up Streets
Burn Everything Down
The Real Epidemic in Port Townsend: Addiction
Heartbroken Law Enforcement Officer Speaks to Port Townsend and Jefferson County
Land Regulations Holding Back Jobs, Affordable Housing
Anti-Police Black Lives Matter Requested Police Escort and Received Preferential Treatment
Outside Money Weighed Heavily on District 2 Commission Race
Reckoning with “The Reckoning”
Jefferson County Invites Texans to Vote in Local Election and the Wall Street Journal Has the Story
Port Townsend’s “Welcoming City” Hurts Blacks: Systemic Racism #3
Thank You!
City Council Threatens Port Townsend’s Public Safety
Crime and Violence in Port Townsend
Coronavirus Alarmism Is Running Rampant
Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County: Where Are Donations Going?
Brian Pruiett on COVID, Taxes, Sex Ed, 2A, MAT, Inslee and More
Wondering About Black Lives Matter
Black Life Mattered to Port Townsend Police
You Can’t Believe Jay Inslee: His Big COVID Hospital Crisis Lie
1,200 Miles Through Washington’s Phase 3 Counties
Jefferson Community Foundation Plays Victim…And Bully
Masks Forever
Multi-Million Dollar Fraud on Taxpayers: The Cherry Street Project Unmasked
Black Blood Fuels Port Townsend’s Green Cars: Systemic Racism Part 2
Everything You Need to Know About The Port Hadlock Sewer Project
Black Lives Don’t Matter: Systemic Racism in the Jefferson County Public Health Department
Recognizing Commissioner Greg Brotherton [updated 7/16/22]
The Fabricated Ferguson Fable
Be The Change You Want To See In The Police
Unmasking Masking Mendacity
Will Port Townsend’s Next Demonstration Be Peaceful?
No COVID Spike From Anti-Lock Down Protests
Port Townsend Acts to Help Businesses Hammered by Lock Down–Finally
Phase 3 Reopening For Jeffco Already Delayed, Commssioners Must Avoid More Foot Dragging
Masks: Nope and Hope. Two Views.
Kate Dean & Co. to Retail and Restaurants: “Drop Dead.”
Fear and Loathing in Port Townsend
The Informants of Jefferson County
Yes, Dr. Locke Could Be Wrong, Very Wrong
Life in Port Townsend for a family with a non-essential business
Open All Jefferson County Retail Now, While There Is Something To Reopen
Port Townsend’s Selfish, Cruel Old People
PUNT! Local Leaders Waste Chance at Early Open for Jefferson County Businesses
Protest Against Lock Down Grows In Port Angeles
Face Toward The Enemy: Protesting Governor Inslee’s Stay At Home Order
Default the Cherry Street Project Now
Snohomish County Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Governor Inslee’s Shut Down Order
Port Townsend City Council M.I.A. In Time Of Crisis
Where Is The Recovery Plan for Port Townsend and Jefferson County?
Jay Inslee is Losing Control
PT City Council Spends Weekly Meeting Disccusing CO2 Emissions and Raising Taxes
How’s Jay Inslee Doing as Dictator?
Jay Inslee Is A Terrible, But Typical Central Planner
Rep. Derek Kilmer’s “No Ban Act” Would Have Made the Pandemic Worse
Miracle Cure Discovered Locally for COVID19 Side Effects
Tax Realtors for Affordable Housing: They’ve Got the Cash
Cherry Street Project Welcomes First Tenants
Leading Environmentalist Condemns Climate Fear Mongering: More on Jefferson County’s Fake Climate Emergency
Jefferson County’s Fake Climate Emergency
Realtors’ Anti-Competitive Practices Inflate Housing Costs
Tax Realtors to Fund Affordable Housing: A Proposal for Housing Activists
Still Too Many Bambis: Port Townsend’s Deer Pose Increasing Health Risks
UW Meteorologist: Washington Faces No Climate Emergency
Port Townsend Womxn’s March Calls for Release of Green River Killer
Too Many Bambis: Port Townsend Makes a Good Start on the Problem
“Completely Bogus” Numbers–More Problems and Delays for Cherry Street Project
Tri-Area Thanksgiving Meal: A Wonderful Community Gathering
Nazi Witches Put Curse on Joe D’Amico
What’s Happening With the Cherry Street Project?
Happy New Year! And Adios, For Now
Questions Remain Unanswered About Jefferson County’s Changed Oath of Office
17 and Pregnant: The Third Trimester, Joy From Despair
Jefferson County Officials No Longer Sworn To Uphold Federal Laws
The Tragedy of the Cherry Street Project
Seventeen and Pregnant: Despair and Fear in the Second Trimester
Brotherton Eyes “Significant Cuts” to County Development Codes
Howling Chickens! NW Discovery Lab’s Latest Adventure
Things That Really Work In Jeffferson County: The Recyclery
Jefferson County’s 2019 Budget: Increased Spending, Declining Revenues, More Deficits
Standing Up To The Attacks On This Site’s Editor
Updated: Judge Landes Accuses Prosecutor Haas of Bribery and Ethics Violations
Lessons from the Boiler Room’s Failure, and Our New Comment Policy: Updated
Deficits Loom for Jeffco Budget
A Zero-Emissions Governor
Riding Shotgun with JCSO Deputy Brandon Przygocki
Democrats Romp In Tuesday’s Elections
Listen to Washington’s Leading Climate Scientist: Vote No on I-1631, The Deceptive, Flawed Carbon Tax
Vote for Dave Stanko–Guest Editorial by Gene Farr
Greg Brotherton’s Marijuana Business Cited for 8 Violations Since 2014
Disenfranchising District 3
UPDATED: Greg Brotherton Again Found in Violation of Marijuana Regulations
Windward School Students Dig For Mastodons
Reject The Port Townsend Manifesto
Greg Brotherton Opposes Child Safety Cannabis Rules
Sheriff Stanko, Please Stand Down
The Letter The Leader Won’t Publish: How Michael Haas Hurt a Rape Victim
Michael Haas Under Investigation: Hiding the Truth from Voters
Jefferson County Prosecutor Haas Faces Bar Association Investigation
Greg Brotherton’s Lack of Judgment and Maturity
White, Twenty-Something and in Jail: Life Behind Bars in Jefferson County
Ebb Tide at Greg Brotherton’s Sea Change Cannabis?
Knowing the Homeless: The Individuals on Port Townsend’s Streets
Gun Control Emerges as Issue in Jeffco Commissioner Race
Tweek Watch Olympic Peninsula: Facebook Crime Fighters
Greg Brotherton’s Sea Change Cannabis: Our Complaint to the Liquor and Cannabis Board
Teen Marijuana Use in Jefferson County: A Growing Problem Needing An Aggressive County Commission
Republican Jodi Wilke Wins Union Endorsement; Judges, Lawyers Score Haas Low on Integrity, Competence and Leadership
17 and Pregnant–A Story in Three Parts
Setting the Guilty Free; The Conclusion of Dumping a Rape Case and Its Victim; State of Washington v. Patrick J. McAllister
Fake Democracy in Jefferson County
Alone and Unprotected; Dumping a Rape Case and Its Victim Part 3; State of Washington v. Patrick J. McAllister
The Questions Michael Haas Won’t Answer; State of Washington v. Patrick J. McAllister
Reefer Madne$$
Dumping a Rape Case, and Its Victim Part 2; State of Washington v. Patrick J. McAllister
Knowing “The Homeless”
Answering Criticism About Brinnon Group Column
From Russia With Love…And Respect For The Law
Dumping a Rape Case, and Its Victim; State of Washington v. Patrick J. McAllister
Now Showing – Desperation Over Pleasant Harbor
Discovery 4-H Project Saves Bees: Look for Kids with Cameras at Jefferson County Fair
What Trump Should Have Said in Helsinki
A Dope Dealer on the County Commission?
District 3 Commissioner Race: Greg Brotherton on the Issues
District 3 Commisioner Race: Ryan McAllister on the Issues
The Government We Deserve
Jefferson County’s Hierarchy of Needs
Pressure Mounts for Action on Hadlock Sewer
Is Opposing Donald Trump’s Economic Policies Racist?
The Bernie Problem
Vintage Auto Art Around the County
Do Black Lives Matter When It Comes To Green Cars?
Lights in the Darkness
Jefferson County’s Conflicted Democrat Party
Moon Over Port Townsend
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